CSA 2019 - Week #17


Wow, your farmers are really rocking these September harvests!  Winter squash, cooking greens, lettuce, MORE tomatoes, radishes...  You're all getting the newsletter early this week because I am going to be away for a few days.  Pick-ups will take place as usual, same place, same time. 

It might also be a good time to remind everyone to PLEASE...

Arrive during the pick-up window at your site.  This is by 8pm at most locations.  DO NOT ARRIVE PAST 8PM.  We ask site hosts to donate all unclaimed shares at that time.  Thank you!

Please carefully fold your empty box and stack it neatly inside the crate at the site.  Our site hosts are SO NICE to volunteer to host our CSA at their home, so please be considerate and leave it neat and tidy!

If, for any reason, you are not absolutely delighted with your produce, please contact Kelly in the farm office RIGHT AWAY (don't wait!) and we will make it right.  If you wait to contact us we may no longer have a replacement item in the field to harvest for you.  We do everything we can to sort and look through the produce before we pack it into your shares, but at the rapid pace of our packing line, things do get missed.  We are growing produce, not manufacturing a product, so we can't expect everything to be 100% perfect all the time.  That said, we have always set the bar high when it comes to the quality of our produce, so if you're not happy, we're not happy.  Please be in touch. 

Our CSA Harvest Festival will take place on Sunday, October 20th from 11am-3pm here at the farm in Riverhead. 
Hope to see you there!

Have a great week, friends!
XO Maggie for Farmer Matt, Kelly & the Crew

What's in the share?

Acorn Winter Squash
Feeling intimidated by winter squash? Check out the cooking tips below!
Storage: In a cool, dry spot. It's ok on the counter for up to a week. Uses: Cooked When to use: Within 7 days.

Red OR Toscano Kale
It's back for the fall! Kale and bean soups are so warming and nourishing this time of year. OR, fall kale salads!
Storage: In the fridge Uses: Raw or Cooked When to use: Within 7 days.

Romaine Lettuce
Beautiful, sturdy and sweet lettuce perfect for chopped salads. This is the type of lettuce that holds up well with heavier dressings and lots of toppings!
Storage: In an airtight container/bag in the refrigerator. Uses: Raw When to use: Within 3 days.

Red Tomatoes AND Sungold Cherry Tomatoes
Let them ripen on the counter until fully red OR orange!
Storage: On the counter until they ripen to a uniform red (or orange) color. Then eat right away. If you store your tomatoes in the fridge, they will become mealy. No good. Uses: Raw/Cooked When to use: Immediately once fully red (or orange).

Try making these the star of the show! As in scallion pancakes (recipe below), grilled scallions, scallion sauce....
Storage: In an airtight container/bag in the refrigerator. Uses: Cooked When to use: Within 5 days.

Red Radishes
We love fall radishes because they are so bright and sweet this time of year. Just a hint of spice...the hot weather makes them hotter so fall radishes are a little more mellow!
Storage: Separate the roots from the greens and store in an airtight container/bag in the refrigerator. Uses: Raw/Cooked When to use: Within 7 days.

Briermere Farm Fruit Share - TBD!

Farmhouse Favorite Recipes

There are lots of winter squash varieties, but they can be cooked the same way. After years of fumbling around with large knifes and hard squashes, I finally discovered roasting them whole (yes, whole!) with just a few knife slits to release steam. It works like a charm. The traditional method (below) is still my favorite way to cook smaller squash when I'm serving them sliced on a plate.
The traditional method (video!)
The "no-cut" cook it whole method!

Quick Scallion Pancakes
Simple Roasted Radishes
*Addictive* Ginger Scallion Sauce

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